
Cóir Aon Ghutha

Syllabus ID: 1.20

Competition: Corn Kingston a bhronn Ruairí Brugha. Kingston Cup presented by Ruairí Brugha. Do cóir bhunscoile, íosmhéid 16 dhalta, uasmhéid 75 dalta, faoi 13 bliana d'aois. For primary school choirs, minimum 16, maximum 75 pupils, under 13 years.

1st Prize: Corn & teastas don stiúrthoir Cup & certificate to conductor

2nd Prize: Teastas don stiúrthoir Certificate to conductor.

Test Pieces 2025

Dhá amhrán chodarsnacha aon pháirte i nGaeilge de rogha na niomaitheoirí agus iad le tionlacan pianó nó gan é
Two contrasting unison songs in Irish of competitors’ own choice, with or without piano accompaniment.


NB: Cinntigh, le do thoil, go gcuirtear na dréachtaí ar fad a roghnaíonn na hiomaitheoirí isteach tráth na hiontrála mar ní cheadófar aon athrú ar an rogha ceoil tar éis spriocdháta iontrála an chomórtais.

NB: Please ensure that all own choice pieces are submitted at time of entry, as no change of repertoire will be allowed after competition entry deadline.

Beidh buaiteoir an chomórtais seo i dteideal dul san iomaíocht do Dhuais €3,000 agus Corn Fhoilsitheoirí Folens le haghaidh Chór Scoile na Bliana. Féach comórtas 1.01 le haghaidh athruithe ar an nGradam seo ó 2024.

The winner of this competition is eligible to compete for the Folens Publishers’ School Choir of  the Year €3,000 Award and Trophy. See competition 1.01 for changes to this Award from 2024.

Feis Ceoil, Ireland's largest classical music competition. Supported by the RDS ©2025