
Milligan Fox Medal

Syllabus ID: 18.06

Competition: Competition is open to all persons of Irish birth, those having at least one Irish parent, and to all bona fide residents in Ireland for a period of at least two years prior to the 1st of January 2025 Age limit - under 40 years on 1st January 2025

1st Prize: Gold Medal

Test Pieces 2025

Best arrangement of an Irish or English folksong, accompanied or unaccompanied, in at least 3 parts, suitable for girls’ choirs.

Closing date for entries: tba

Each manuscript must bear a 'nom de plume' only.

Translations of Irish words must accompany manuscripts.

1. Complete your entry online
2. PDF of manuscript, and digital recording (if you choose to include one, however it is not obligatory) must be emailed to by closing date (tba). Subject line of email should include competition name and nom de plume.

Entrance Fees: €30.00

Enter Competition online

Feis Ceoil, Ireland's largest classical music competition. Supported by the RDS ©2024