Folens Publishers' School Choir of the Year €3,000 Award and Trophy
Syllabus ID: 1.01
Competition: The winners of each competition in the Post Primary & Junior Choirs categories (Competitions 1.10 - 1.24) will be eligible to compete for the above award.
1st Prize: €3000, and Trophy
Test Pieces 2025Choirs will be required to repeat their repertoire from their competition.
If a choir wins more than one competition which is eligible for the Choir Finals, they must choose which competition to represent, as they may not perform twice.
From 2024, there will be three separate awards in the Post Primary and Junior Choirs categories:
The IMRO Post Primary €1,000 award (competitions 1.10-1.17)
The Ite O’Donovan €1,000 award (competitions 1.19-1.24)
The adjudicators will then select a third winner (i.e. neither of the above winners) from the Choir Final to be presented with the overall Folens Publishers' Choir of the Year €3,000 Award and Trophy.
Date: 31 March 2025
Time: 7pm
Venue: RDS Concert Hall via Anglesea Rd
Adjudicator: Deirdre Moynihan & Richard Yarr