Cóir Bhunscoile - Dhá Pháirt
Syllabus ID: 1.22
Competition: Corn McCullough arna bhronnadh i gcuimhne Denis McCullough nach maireann. McCullough Cup presented on behalf of the late Denis McCullough. Do cóir bhunscoile, dhá pháirt, íosmhéid 16 dhalta, uasmheid 75 dalta. For two-part primary school choirs, minimum 16, maximum 75 voices.
1st Prize: Corn & teastas don stiúrthóir Cup & certificate to conductor
2nd Prize: Teastas don stiúrthóir Certificate to conductor
Test Pieces 2025Dhá amhrán chodarsnacha dhá pháirt i nGaeilge de rogha na n-iomaitheoirí, agus iad le tionlacan pianó nó gan é.
Two contrasting two-part songs in Irish of competitors’ own choice, with or without piano accompaniment.
NB: Cinntigh, le do thoil, go gcuirtear na dréachtaí ar fad a roghnaíonn na hiomaitheoirí isteach tráth na hiontrála mar ní cheadófar aon athrú ar an rogha ceoil tar éis spriocdháta iontrála an chomórtais.
NB: Please ensure that all own choice pieces are submitted at time of entry, as no change of repertoire will be allowed after competition entry deadline.
Beidh buaiteoir an chomórtais seo i dteideal dul san iomaíocht do Dhuais €3,000 agus Corn Fhoilsitheoirí Folens le haghaidh Chór Scoile na Bliana. Féach comórtas 1.01 le haghaidh athruithe ar an nGradam seo ó 2024.
The winner of this competition is eligible to compete for the Folens Publishers’ School Choir of the Year €3,000 Award and Trophy. See competition 1.01 for changes to this Award from 2024.